Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο

Acting on behalf of the legal owner of the site santorinicarhire.com and the homonymous company in Santorini island Greece, I clearly state the following:

1. Mr. Kyliakoudis is acting without permission and he is aware that a dispute has arised between him (web-designer of santorinicarhire.com) and our client who is the legal owner of the site and the homonymous company.
2. A formal request has already been filed to Flippa to take down this bid.
3. All legal actions necessary have taken place against Mr. Kyliakoudis for his act of trying illegally to sell the site santorinicarhire.com before the Courts of Athens Greece.
3. A formal process through ICANN has been taken care of against any illegal owner of the domain name santorinicarhire.com.

Elena Spiropoulou

Spiropoulou Law Firm
X.Trikoupi 64, Exarheia 10680, Athens GR
Ilia Potamianou 4, Ilisia, 11528, Athens GR
tel. +30 210 3388528-9
fax. +30 211 8005257



Διεύθυνση: Μαυρομιχάλη 40

Τηλέφωνο: 210 33 88 528

Email: info@spiropoulou.com